A 55 year-old male patient comes to your office to discuss some laboratory test results. He reports that because he is over 50 years-old he wanted to get some blood work done and went to a health camp organized in a public school near his home and had his complete blood cells counts and serum chemistry tests done. As you review his test results, you noticed an elevated total protein of 11 grams/dL. However, his serum calcium is normal. His renal function is normal. He reports he does not have any medical problems. He takes some multivitamin tablets bought over the counter. His physical examination is unremarkable. You order a serum and urine electrophoresis. He has a positive monoclonal spike of 2.9 grams/dL of IgG and a normal serum free light chain ratio on serum protein electrophoresis. A skeletal survey (radiographs) demonstrates no lytic lesions. His bone marrow aspirate and biopsy demonstrate 9% plasma cells (normal is 1 – 4%). What is the next step in the management of this patient?