A 28 year-old female is brought to your office for evaluation by her husband. A week ago she gave birth to a baby in a local hospital. Suddenly three days ago, one afternoon, she started to state that she is being followed by a foreign spy agency which is planning to take away her baby. Their home is near an airport and every time a plane flies over their house, she runs into a dark room to ‘protect herself from all scanning devices planted on the plane’. She insists that she can feel the x-rays penetrating her body when the scanners fly over. She can even hear the pilots’ talking about her and her baby. She stopped using her mobile phone in order to stop sharing her location. She talks very little to the family members. She believes her thoughts can be read by the flying scanners. She gets easily frustrated with him and other family members. Her husband reports that the patient had no history of mental health problems before, ‘not even anxiety or stress’. However, during her delivery process, she had some painful experiences with anesthesia not giving her full relief from pain of parturition. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?