You’re excited to see your first patient for the day. When you opened the door of the exam room, you found a 30 year-old attractive female who was already smiling at you even before you greeted her. She wore flashy, revealing clothing with the front of her blouse unbuttoned to expose her breasts. You asked her politely, ‘So, how can I help you today?’ She replied, ‘I need some help with my headaches’. You asked, ‘What triggers your headaches?’ She replied, ‘Well, I am having lots of loneliness in my life. All the good men are taken’ and looked seductively at your wedding ring and touched you on the forearm. One of your medical assistants entered the exam room to pick up a blood pressure cuff. You looked at the medical assistant but the patient did not want to lose your attention even for a moment. “Why are you craving to be the center of attention?” You asked the patient in your mind, though you did not put it in your words to the patient. “So, what do you do for fun, Dr.James?” She asked you. ‘Seriously? You are calling me by my first name in the first few minutes of our meeting?’ You said to yourself. She reports that she is so bored in this town and would like to move to a new place. She reports a history of multiple broken relationships and suicide attempts. Suddenly she becomes tearful after bursts of laughter just a few moments ago. You told her that you are not planning to prescribe any medications today and you think she would be better off going to counseling. She replies, ‘I hate counseling. But if you are going to be my counselor, I would do it a million times.’ You tried to convince her that you don’t do counseling. She becomes tearful and says, ‘Please don’t say no. You are the only one I can trust in this practice.’ Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?