David, a 48 year-old construction worker presents with a 4-week history of right-sided groin pain. The pain is described as sharp, burning, and radiates to the upper thigh and scrotum. He also reports intermittent numbness in the same areas. The pain worsens with walking and tight clothing but improves slightly with rest. He denies any swelling, fever, or redness in the groin. Past Medical History: Hypertension, controlled with medication. No history of prior groin pain or surgeries. Physical Examination: Vital Signs: Normal. Inspection: No redness, swelling, or hematoma in the groin area. Palpation: Tenderness in the right inguinal region without masses Sensory Testing: Decreased sensation to light touch in the right upper thigh and scrotum. Motor Testing: Cremasteric reflex absent on the right side. Which of the following is the most common cause of this nerve injury?