Answer this question on developmental milestones
A mother brought her 3 year-old female child to your office for a wellness pediatric physical examination. Her past medical history is significant for normal developmental milestones. Of the following, what developmental milestones can you expect in this child?
- Rides tricycle and stacks 9 cubes
- Hops on one foot and imitates adult roles
- Draws recognizable person with head, body, and limbs
- Gains athletic skills
- All of the above
Correct Answer is A. At year 3, a child can ride a tricycle and can stack 9 cubes
B is incorrect. Hops on one foot and imitation of adult roles happen at year 4.
C is incorrect. Draws recognizable people with head, body, and limbs happen at year 5.
D is incorrect. Gaining athletic skills happen 6-12 years.
References: MedEssentials for the USMLE Step 1, Kaplan Medical