A 15 year-old African American boy presents to your office for the follow-up of his recently diagnosed sickle cell disease. He asks you that he is curious to know about the formation of Hemoglobin S in the body. How would you describe the gene defect that leads to the formation of Hemoglobin S? Change in sixth amino acid of the β chain from glutamate to valine (β6 glu → val) Change in 6th amino acid of β chain from glutamate to lysine (β6 glu → lys) Change in 26th amino acid of β chain from glutamate to lysine (β26 glu → lys) Change in 121st amino acid of β chain from glutamate to glutamine (β121 glu → gln) Change in 68th amino acid of α chain from asparagine to lysine (α68 asn → lys)