A 32 year-old male comes to your ophthalmology clinic complaining of increasingly blurry vision and headaches. His wife reports that his gait became clumsy, his speech became slurred. On review of systems, you discover that he has difficulty swallowing, and having frequent headaches. Patient reports that some of his relatives also have similar medical problems. On physical examination, you notice a sweaty, anxious looking male. Cardiac exam is significant for palpitations. In retinal exam, you find dilation and tortuosity of retinal vessels, angiomatous lesions with hemorrhages and exudates in both eyes. Suspecting a systemic disorder, you order some investigative studies, which reveal hemangioblastomas in the cerebellum, two nodules in the pancreas and a large tumor in the kidney. The lesions have a striking appearance of a cyst with a nodule contained in its wall, and angiography demonstrates the highly vascular nature of the nodules. The laboratory tests reveal elevated plasma free fractionated metanephrines, and elevated white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Of the following, which is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?