A 42 year-old African American male comes to your office reporting fever, chills, tiredness, and trouble walking and putting weight on his right leg. He feels a painful swelling along the lateral surface of his right thigh. He is a known patient of your practice with a prior history of sickle cell anemia. He had multiple admissions for vaso-occlusive crises in the past. On physical examination, you see a febrile patient. The skin is erythematous over the middle of the right femur. There is tenderness along the area. A pocket ultrasound showed absence of spleen and the presence of lateral soft-tissue of the hip region showing a subcutaneous collection measuring 9.2 cm by 2.7 cm. There is also a subperiosteal fluid collection of 7 mm in size. You suspected osteomyelitis. What is the most common organism associated with osteomyelitis in patients with sickle cell anemia?