One of your patients has been struggling to get control over his alcohol use. He would like to have some information about pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic options for the treatment of alcohol use disorder. You recommended participation in Alcoholics Anonymous. Regarding Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which of the following statements is true?
A 67 year-male came to your office for refills on his medications. His current medical disorders include hypertension and gastroesophageal reflux disorder. He drinks 10 – 14 alcoholic drinks per week. Of the following, which is a medical consequence of alcohol use in older adults?
A mother brought her daughter for a college admission physical. Mother reports she is concerned that her daughter may be ‘binge drinking’ during spring break and other holidays. Of the following, which is considered binge drinking?
A 32 year-old man comes to your office because he needs a refill on his allopurinol. As you go over his social history and alcohol use, he informs you that he drinks up to 16 drinks a week. He has tried to cut it down to 5 drinks per week but he could not. His wife is not happy with his drinking and it caused ‘some disturbance’ in their relationship. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this patient regarding his alcohol use?