Can you diagnose this condition?

  A 10 day-old male baby was brought to the emergency room because he was irritable, crying constantly, and had a seizure an hour ago. He did not have any fever. Last night blood was noted with stool in his diaper. The birth was an uncomplicated vaginal delivery at home. He was exclusively breast fed since […]

What is hydrops fetalis?

Question: What is hydrops fetalis?  A.5 genes responsible for the synthesis of the alpha-globulin protein in hemoglobin are defective  B.4 genes responsible for the synthesis of the alpha-globulin protein in hemoglobin are defective  C.3 genes responsible for the synthesis of the alpha-globulin protein in hemoglobin are defective  D.2 genes responsible for the synthesis of the […]

Driving Privileges Questions

   A 62 year-old male was about to be discharged from the hospital. He was diagnosed with a stroke and was started on medications. He regained some of his strength in both upper and lower extremities but still has a visual field defect with loss of vision on the same side of both eyes. He has […]

Question on C-peptide

 A 32 year-old female comes regularly to your office with symptoms of hypoglycemia. After a few visits, you’ve become suspicious of possible factitious insulin self-injections. Which of the following tests is most useful to detect factitious insulin injections?  A.Serum insulin level  B.C-peptide level  C.serum glucose level  D.serum albumin level  E.serum bilirubin level  Correct Answer is […]

Delusional Disorder

Delusional Disorder     A 24 year-old woman is brought to your office by her husband because her husband thinks she is delusional. Six weeks ago, one night they watched Tom Cruise’s movie Top Gun: Maverick. In one scene, Tom Cruise smiles at a coactor. The patient told her husband that Tom Cruise actually smiled at the […]

Bipolar Disorder Type I 

    A 26 year-old female is brought to your office by her husband because he is concerned about her symptoms. For over a year, she has been feeling less interested in things she usually enjoyed before, she is irritable ‘over little things’, she has trouble falling asleep, wakes up too early many nights, she is not […]