A 10 month-old male infant is brought to your clinic for a sick visit. The patient’s mother states she was having a bad morning which started when she found her baby having a seizure in his bed. On physical examination, you immediately noticed that the boy has a small mandible, cleft palate, low-set posteriorly rotated ears with notched pinnae and an abnormal increase in the distance between the orbits. When you tapped on the facial nerve, you noticed contraction of facial muscles. A complete cardiopulmonary evaluation revealed a loud, harsh holosystolic murmur in the left third and fourth interspaces along the sternum. CXR showed absent thymic shadow. Suspecting a genetic disorder, you consulted a genetics specialist, who detected a chromosome 22q11.2 deletion in fluorescence studies. What is the most likely diagnosis? 

A 45 year-old male presents with pain in the abdomen, nausea, constipation, bloating, loose,greasy, bulky, and bad-smelling stools and chronic diarrhea. After examining him and ordering some labs, you discover that this patient has celiac disease.  Laboratory results show undetectable IgA levels and normal IgG and IgM levels. As you discussed this diagnosis with the patient, the patient revealed that he was previously diagnosed with selective IgA deficiency. He requests you to administer intravenous immunoglobulin to treat his selective IgA deficiency. He states that this course of action is especially important in the light of his newly discovered celiac disease.The physician started IgG-RT infusion at the rate of 5 ml/kg/hr. After 20 minutes, patient developed swelling of his throat and tongue, noisy and difficulty breathing, confusion, and faintness. Which of the following statements is true?